Jack London included the detail because "it is a part of the exposition that introduces Sol-leks' characteristics."
The detail is an exposition that introduces Sol-leks characteristics.
- Exposition means showing or narrating what happens at the start of the story. Generally, it talked about the background of a milieu, or a character, which in this scenario is Sol-leks.
- The details illustrate what kind of dog Sol-leks is, what are his likes and dislikes. Because these characteristics or details will play a crucial role as the story goes.
- As the story goes, the position of Buck and Sol-leks will be reversed. Sol-leks being afraid of Buck because of a brute strength he displayed later on.
Weigh and way are synonyms
It is only kinetic when it is connected to a circuit
Hope Woodson
Hope is Jacqueline's older brother. He is very quiet in early childhood and seems to be more affected than his siblings by the separation of their parents. As he grows up, he comes to love comic books, superheroes, and science.
- GradeSaver
Brainliest Please!!
- Hermionia
Government has come out with a new headline-will benefit woman employed in army their posting will close totheir home town. Many women employed with the forces will ensure better working conditions for the women personnel 10,000 women will be recruited in army in near future B) Imagine you are a newspaper reporter. Use the clues given below to write a report on the provision of a new privilege for woman employed in Army. Select a suitable headline for you report.