Technology, Algorithm
An algorithm csn be defined as a step by step solution to any given problem.
It is one of the procedures in which computer science solves human problems.
The other way is with the use of Technology.
Advanced technological innovations have led to so many solutions to the numerous human problems.
And finally, all these are done making use of a computer.
A: provides its services to the Web server in a way that is totally transparent to the client browser.
Option: void f1(float array[], int size);
is valid.
To pass an array as argument in a function, the syntax should be as follows:
functionName (type arrayName[ ] )
We can't place the size of the array inside the array bracket (arrayName[100]) as this will give a syntax error. The empty bracket [] is required to tell the program that the value that passed as the argument is an array and differentiate it from other type of value.
Proxy Server.
An administrator was given the responsibility of customizing Internet connection for around the numbers of computer systems. He stated the admin that those Internet connections need to go through a system connected to the internet because otherwise inbound and outbound traffic can still be examined but only that systems should have a Web address identified.
So, the admin configured Proxy Server because only certain systems have been identified the following address to the internet.
Well it all depends how you plan on making it as you would need to know Web Development or you could just copy paste code from YT