Mesopotamia was between two rivers, that caused for the abundance of their crops. The annual flooding of these rivers helped the deposition of silts that are fertile over their crops making it healthy and low maintenance. This in turn allowed them to focus on other things such as art, building, religion etc. Because of the unprecedented of the flooding form two rivers, they made a conclusion that the Gods are so unpredictable and gives a once in a lifetime blessing for their people and so they treasure it dearly y calling it the Fertile Crescent.
Protest and banning
The ANC planned a campaign against the Pass Laws, which required black South Africans to carry an identity card at all times to justify their presence in white areas, to begin on 31 March 1960. ... In the aftermath of the tragedy, both organisations were banned from political activity.
Periodization divides history into discrete, quantified named blocks of time in order to facilitate the study and analysis of history.
The 1960 Master Plan recommended that California's public institutions be tuition-free, but it did recommend fee increases to cover non-instructional costs such as parking and housing.
remember this chant LBJ LBJ how many kids did you kill today.