Quand je suis sorti hier, il "faisait" beau.
yes correct u are good. Good Job Keep It Up
Please translate =
Ma sœur est allée à l'école
Mon frère est allé à la bibliothèque
Mon cousin /or/ ma cousine (both are correct masculine and feminine) a préparé le diner
Mon père est allé travailler
for cooked dinner : literal translation is = a cuisiné le diner but it's not used
went to work ; literal translation = est allé au travail . Better =est allé travailler but both are ok
5 more sentences
yesterday, my mother went to the hairdresser =
Hier, ma mère est allée chez le coiffeur
Mon père est devenu végétarien
My father became vegan
My brother visited the Eiffel Tower
Mon frère a visité la Tour Eiffel
My sister came to a huge party for the first time
Ma sœur est allée à une grande soirée pour la première fois
My uncle and my aunt moved abroad
Mon oncle et ma tante ont déménagé à l'étranger
I hope I helped !
-Ice is perfect. Ah! (2)
cakes are beautiful,
(3). cookies are delicious and love it (4).
chocolates. Bah!
candies are original, but not very good. Open (Open) (6).
coffee on (8)
table smells very good. (9)
plant needs water.
table is not straight! Oh dear! Arrange (11) - chairs around
(around) (12)
three tables!