Well based on the fact that the very first patented rock crushing machine was made in the year 1830, and the first successful, Eli Whitney Blake's, was in 1858, I'd say the development process was around 30 years.
I'm going to go with Russification because in the quote above it says "one language, one church, and one ruler." I feel as if this quote is calling for assimilation. When the Russian empire was big, in order to maintain their identity the Russians forced the countries that were under their rule to learn the language and culture and to give up the culture and language of the country that the people lived in (the countries that fell under the Soviet Union). All that to say, countries that fell under the Soviet Union had to loose their identity and take up the Russian identity.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
<u>The two main genocides perpetrated during the 20th century are the following:</u>
- The genocide against Jews performed by the German nazi party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Nazis also aimed to murder other groups such as homosexuals, disabled and gypsy people, as they were all considered to be subhumans, if compared to the supreme aryan race. Hitler and his followers used deportations to death and concentration camps with gas chambers to massively eliminate hundreds of thousands. This genocide is denominated the Holocaust, and took place during WWII (1939-1945.
- Genocide of Rwanda, where the majority of the population in Rwanda, who pertained to the Hutu ethnicity, tried to kill every single Tutsi person (different ethnic group). The Belgish colonizers had made the distinction betwen the two ethnic groups explicit in their identity cards. When the country became independent, the Tutsi goverment was removed and replaced by Hutu rulers, who remained in power between 1961 and 1994. The genocide started in 1994.