The military leaders took harsh steps to maintain their control in Latin American countries.
Halfway through the mid of the 20th century, many of the Latin American countries suffered because of several military governments which were elected democratically.
These governments moved away from the import substitution which resulted in poverty and inequality in those countries.
These countries suffered through such harsh military rule while the military leaders did everything to maintain their control.
happiness, or fake happiness.
doesn't matter what you're feeling, always try to feel happy, or at least look happy or the teacher will think bad of you.
La isla
A la isla donde alquilamos la casa solo podíamos llegar en barco.
Tomate: ma - grave
Tómate: tó - esdrújula
Tómatelo: tó - sobresdrújula
Anticonstitucional: nal - aguda
Camino: mi - grave
Caracteres: te - grave
Cónsola: cón - esdrújula
Jóvenes, camión, esdrújula, exámenes, duodécimo, cañón, déficit, Martínez.
Examen: no, grave ends in n.
Camiones: no, grave ends in s.
Joven: no, grave ends in n