The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act raised tariffs above the level set in 1913; it also authorized the president to raise or lower a given tariff rate by 50% in order to even out foreign and domestic production costs
Answer: It is well known that Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ North America in 1492. Except, of course, he didn’t. Indigenous peoples had been making their way across what was then a land bridge from Asia for perhaps 20,000 years before him.
A person supporting Eugene Talmadge for governor would have been most likely to belong to farmers.
Option: B
The power of rural countries given by County Unit System was the base of Talmadge. When it is overed, Talmadge fixed the $3 fee by official announcement. In 1934 Talmadge was re-elected, carrying every county but three in the state's Democratic primary though he was often tied to both controversy and corruption.
He was an American democratic politician. As he was raised his voice for rural countries that's why got support from farmers community. They supported him for the post of Governor. Doctors, lawyers are the educated part of our society they belong to urban area. They were not in favor of Talmadge.
Scholar Alfred W. Crosby used this passage “ this Columbian exchange ” to depict this general change of plants, creatures, society, innovations, people, and illness between this world’s Eastern and Western Hemispheres as a result of the voyages of discovery that began with Christopher Columbus in 1492. Crosby wrote that this change “ has made markets for continent without which she could.Be today a very different and a much poorer part. ” But Crosby likewise mentioned, “ It is likely that and these plants and creatures he works with him have had this disintegration of more varieties of living shapes at the last four hundred years than the usual processes of evolution might kill off in a million. ”
Social Darwinism postulates that those members of society who have the most social value will prosper and that social failures will breed less (have fewer or no children).
<span>Paternalism postulates that it is morally better to help social unfortunates, including extending their lives and breeding opportunities (help them to have more children who survive and perpetuate their gene lines).</span>