I haven't read it so I can only guess based on what you've shown us. It sounds as though earlier on in the story, Annemarie wanted to be involved in some sort of potentially dangerous activity. Later on, I assume she witnessed someone else get hurt or realized the true danger of the activity and realized she's actually glad she isn't involved in a harmful way. The inference I can make is that her opinion on the dangerous activity, whatever it may be, has changed due to someone or something else's suffering.
This might not even be correct since I don't know what the reading is from, but I hope this at least helps you make your own inference of whatever the reading was.
it creates programe to provide employment to veterans training in medical field
1.the internet
2 online catalogue (or less often card catalog) usually found on a PC and the front of the library
3 Author's name, title and call number
4 A number that indicates a books category and where to locate it in the library
5 the Dewey Decimal System on the library of Cosngress system
D has a slant rhyme, which means its words rhyme, but not directly.
"Predicate nominative" is the one among the following choices that are given in the question that shows the kind of complement the word SHORELINE is.