The correct answer is: The speed of sound is faster in the water than in the air.
The speed of sound is different between those two mediums because they have different densities. Since, water is denser than air, more energy is required to generate a wave but once it stars, it travels faster than it would do in air. Sound waves’ travel can be presented by particles that transmit the energy one to another as they bump. The sound speed is lower in the air (than in water) because particles are far apart, so they travel further before they collide.
Answer: right bottom is kidney
Left bottom is liver
Q. 4 part a, The excretory system.
B, kidney: The kidneys make urine by filtering wastes and extra water from blood. Urine travels from the kidneys through two thin tubes called ureters and fills the bladder.
And Q. 5 order, 3, 2, 1, 4.
Flowing water has intrinsic kinetic energy that is harnessed to rotate the turbine. The turbine rotates hence gains mechanical energy because it is doing work. This work is used to rotate a dynamo of a generator which generates electricity. The mechanical energy is thus converted into electric energy by the dynamo. The electric energy is then carried by the power lines to the users.
If the type of food available changes, then the frequency of beak also changes.