The Triple Entente, also known as the Allies, consisted of "<span>France, Great Britain, and Russia" since this was the major power structure that was in place at the outbreak of war in 1914. </span>
Chemistry plays an important and useful role towards the development and growth of a number of industries. This includes industries like glass, cement, paper, textile, leather, dye etc. We also see huge applications of chemistry in industries like paints, pigments, petroleum, sugar, plastics, Pharmaceuticals.
And the answer is The Bill of Rights. Bill of rights it was <span> added to the constitution that listed rights not already in the constitution.</span>
By 1913, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, approximately one-quarter of the world'spopulation. It covered about 36.6 million km² (14.2 million square miles), about a quarter of Earth's total land area.
As the war dragged on, the unions advantages in factories, railroads, and man power out the confederacy at a great disadvantage