Johnny- very skittish and jumpy, was constantly abused by his dad and his mom watched
Cherry- A soc, likes sunsets and feels sorry for the greasers
All nouns (common and proper) name persons, places, things, or ideas. There are differences between them, though.
Common noun: names GENERIC persons, places, things, or ideas (i.e. man, park, planet, religion)
Proper noun: names SPECIFIC persons, places, things or ideas (i.e. Billy, Central Park, Mars, Christianity)
Literary vignette is a poem, screenplay, theatrical script
Imagery- appeals to the senses. Ex: The leaves crackled under my bare feet.
Diction- What style you talk in to convey it. Ex: talk in anger, fear, happiness
Polysyndeton- repetition of conjunctions in close succession
So I guess your teacher wants you to get a picture and describe what was happening that we can't clearly see in the photo. I don't know if this helped?
If it did tell me?!?!?!
To use another person's work without giving credit where credit is due