With the exception of Austria-Hungary, new imperialism was entrenched in the policies of all the European powers. This frenzy to acquire colonies was due to the potential financial and psychological benefits that colonies provide. Financially speaking, the colonies can help European nation’s name economy by firstly providing the raw materials necessary for industrialization which were lacking in continental Europe. Secondly, after using the raw materials to produce the merchandise, the colonies provided a market where the European nations can sell their manufactured goods. Hence, new colonies can begin an exploitive cycle where the European nations take resources from their colonial subjects then profits exportation of completed goods
Runes are the letters of the alphabet used by the Norse Vikings (located in northern Europe).
The Tao.
'Tao-Te-Ching' is a book written by Lao Tzu. In the book, the sage explores the aspects of Taoism in this book.
He states that 'The Tao' is the central force of the universe which connects all beings, from the creation of galaxies to the interaction with humans. For many, The Tao is unexplainable.
The Tao is a Chinese word which simple means 'the way' or 'the path.' Lao Tzu goes on stating that 'The Tao' is not a thing but a universal concept which needs to be learn in order to discern the human wisdom.
Therefore, the correct answer is 'The Tao.'