In the book, _1984_, which was written by George Orwell,
political prisoners are treated differently from common criminals insomuch as
that they are tortured, not fed well, and given undesirable jobs. This is so because political prisoners are
deemed to be more of a threat against The Party than a common criminal. A political prisoner who speaks out against
The Party plays more of a threat at undermining The Party’s rule than a
shoplifter, for instance. As such, they
are treated poorly in comparison to the common criminal prisoners.
adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use. ...
adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises. ...
affectionate. having or displaying warmth or fondness. ...
ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement. ...
on Sunday I want to go to the mall, All day
C is the correct answer, because if a written assignment is a 'humorous report', it means that it can be subjective, and that the author's personality is noticeable in the text. Whereas that is not the case in the other options.
Answer: twinklings and twinges . casual affair. old yellow pair.