The support trench served to house reinforcements, and supplies, for the front line troops that could be quickly transported to the front line trench. A third type of trench was commonly referred to as a reserve trench and was found dug "several hundred yards" behind the support and front line trenches.
Answer: people accused them of using unfair business practices
Explanation: I said so
The answer should be D. It advocated strong leadership by the federal government.
Answer: The Psalms represent one of the books of the Bible (Old Testament).
These are songs of praise, containing prayers and expressing gratitude to God for help. The Psalms contain instructions for believers and Jews.
Psalms are songs written in verses (mostly five verses each). Many Psalms have titles and often include the names of the authors themselves.
Guerra Sucia, Guerra Sucia española, también llamada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, Proceso de Reorganización Nacional español o El Proceso, infame campaña emprendida de 1976 a 1983 por la dictadura militar argentina contra presuntos opositores políticos de izquierda. Se estima que murieron entre 10.000 y 30.000 ciudadanos; muchos de ellos fueron “desaparecidos”, confiscados por las autoridades y nunca más se supo de ellos.