Maybe "no te gustan nada los tenis a ti"
Las personas adictas a menudo tienen uno o más problemas de salud relacionados con las drogas, que pueden incluir enfermedades pulmonares o cardíacas, embolia, cáncer o problemas de salud mental.
Answer: C.Visité
Explanation: A is for ustedes, B is for tu, d is for nosotros, and E is for present tense yo
In 1991, I was working as an administrative manager in a company that had a branch in San Pablo. I had to travel to do an audit about the screws with which some air compressors were made; a tremendously boring thing. I was on the plane, I guess I was crying, and I read in a very small box in the newspaper the call to contest of 'The vertical smile', the Tusquets publishing house contest.
Translating by parts:
<u>->En 1991</u> = <em>In 1991</em>
<u>->estaba trabajando de gerente administrativa</u> = <em>I was working as an administrative manager</em>
<u>->en una empresa que tenía una sucursal en San Pablo</u> = <em>in a company that had a branch in San Pablo.</em>
<u>->Tenía que viajar</u> = <em>I had to travel</em>
-><u>para hacer la auditoría de los tornillos con los que se hacían unos compresores de aire</u> = <em>to do an audit about the screws with which some air compressors were made</em>
-> <u>una cosa tremendamente aburrida</u> = <em>a tremendously boring thing.</em>
-><u>Yo iba en el avión, supongo que iba llorando</u> = <em>I was on the plane, I guess I was crying.</em>
-><u>y leo en un recuadro muy chiquito en el diario el llamado a concurso de 'La sonrisa vertical'</u> = <em>and I read in a very small box in the newspaper the call to contest of 'The vertical smile'</em>
-><u>el certamen de la editorial Tusquets</u> = <em>the Tusquets publishing house contest.</em>