Persuasive, brave, creative, patient, intelligent, polite, accurate, fair, friendly
1.Salespeople need to be persuasive to get people to buy their products.
2.A scientist has to be intelligent in order to understand complex theories.
3.Receptionists should be friendly in order to make people feel welcome.
4.Surgeons must be very accurate as they should not make mistakes in their work.
5.A shop assistant has to be polite even when dealing with a rude customer.
6.Lifeguards have to be brave as they often find themselves in dangerous situations.
7.Teachers need to be very patient as students sometimes take a long time to learn things.
8.Judges should be fair and give all the evidence equal consideration.
9.Fashion designers should be very creative so that they can come up with new designs.
The colonisation of Australia had a devastating impact on Indigenous ... territory against other colonial powers, and establish a British base
Possibly C: Widespread poverty throughout Ireland
Fact Checked on Quizlet. However i wont be able to check personally through the Unit Test i took.
i really have no clue but that was what it was for my class so sorry if I am wrong
Items that can have a higher load of germs such as bed linen or items from a Laundry detergents help us maintain good hygiene by removing the soils,