Reliable sources
- Recent statistics and information
- Author and source listed
- .gov or .eud sites
UNreliable sources
- 20 year old statistics
- No author or sources listed
- .com or .net
Both groups are called Slavs. In the years before World War I, Serbia wanted all Slavic peoples to form one empire, free from rule by the Turks or Austria-Hungary. The Serbs' wish to unite all the Slavs in one empire is an example of. imperialism.
Three quarters of Russian people live in the Northern European Plain.
Social Darwinism is a term for the collective ideas or
policies that emerged during the 19th century. During 19th
century, European countries were expanding their empire. This lead to the
colonization of Asia and Africa. Racism has been rampant at that time.
I guess the answer is (b)