The author includes Zeitoun's thoughts, so that the reader is aware of the thoughts and reasoning behind his actions. Without including his thoughts, the reader would only know that he was paddling. To include this inner monologue and series of thoughts while he paddles, however, lets this paddling act as a moment of self-reflection, and gives a chance for the author to give insight to the reader as to what Zeitoun is thinking, since there are not other characters around for him to verbalize these thoughts to.
1 person in my family is my father , he recently have lost his pet bird it dies in my father arm due to crow chase , father then perform cpr to save his pet life it didn’t survive it , father came home with the dead bird my family was sad,the pet was like a family to us . Father then bury the pet bird near our house . The pet bird has died for 1 week already . My father is sad , i can see he is going through a taught time ,but he still supports the family and smile and make joke but i know deep down in father heart he is sad .
C. “But today, more than 1.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water."
Statistics has to do with numerical data
Ontario is located in Central Canada.