The reason people believed king tut relied on advisors is because he was younger and he was trying to persuade people to believe in the god that he believed in.
Lack of jobs and expensive housing
Rural to Urban migration is very influential in most megacities settlements and this will lead to squatter settlements. For example State like Lagos which is Nigeria is one of the most populous State in the world due to its high population, Rural to Urban migration is very common in this part and the more the population the more pressure for the Government to build infrastructure for employment so in that process there will be lack of jobs and even for them to afford normal apartment will be difficult therefore it will lead to squatter settlement for them.
<span>The answer is intestacy.
it means that when a person dies and has property that is worth more
than the total of their obligatory debts and funeral costs, with making a legal
will or any compulsory declaration. This can also apply to situations where
there is a will but is only applicable to a part of the estate while the rest
of the estate becomes the intestate estate. Intestacy law also known as the law
of descent and distribution decides who is eligible for the property from the estate
under inheritance rules.</span>