In 1973, OPEC created a major oil crisis in Western European nations and the United States by declaring an embargo against them. The shortage of fuel disrupted businesses and limited the use of cars and other vehicles.
This examples shows interdependence because the US economy was negatively effected by the economic sanctions placed on them by countries who were part of OPEC. This resulted in long gas lines in the US, as well as limits on how much gas individuals could buy at one time.
A- To know which god was in charge of each day
The Double Victory campaign
The Double Victory campaign, launched by the Courier in 1942, became a rallying cry for black journalists, activists and citizens to secure both victory over fascism abroad during World War II and victory over racism at home.
they didnt want to interfere until they knew America would most likely win, as they did not want another war with Grear Britain. Then when the tides began to turn in Americas favor both Spain and France gave us supplies, military advice, and fought in the war.