Sample answer: She begins planning Duncan’s murder. Supporting details include her many about catching “the nearest way” in line 18 of Scene v, as well as the speeches in Scene v beginning “The raven himself is hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / Under my battlements” and “O, never / Shall sun that morrow see!”
C) Discrimination and lack of job opportunities
Lack of job opportunities and racial discrimination remained the top factors for black migration to the North and West. The advent of World War II contributed to an exodus out of the South, with 1.5 million African Americans leaving during the 1940s; a pattern of migration that would continue at that pace for the next twenty years.
You randomly select a passage or piece of text from something such as Homer or the Holy Bible and use it as your oracle.
The attitude the author or narrator has toward the subject matter is known as the tone. Tone can also refer to the attitude towards the audience. A motif is a distinctive feature in a work. Language, in terms of literature, is a register or dialect of language used in the work. Theme is the central topic of the work.