1. Inner core
Made of solid iron about 1,200 km thick. temperature is about 7,000 degrees Celsius.
2. Outer core
Very dense liquid of iron and sulphur about 2,250 km thick. Temperature is about 4,000 degrees Celsius.
3. Lower Mantle
Solid rock about 2,200 km thick. Temperature is about 3,000 degrees Celsius.
4. Upper Mantle
Solid rock about 720 km thick that flows from plasticity. Temperature is about 850 degrees Celsius
5. Crust
Plates that average bout 30km in thickness and 25 degrees Celsius in temperature.
sedimentary rock is the right awnser
Environmental quality. ... Environmental quality includes the natural environment as well as the built environment, such as air, water purity or pollution, noise and the potential effects which such characteristics may have on physical and mental health.
It changes precipitation patterns, transfers warm and cold air, and causes/may cause strong storms.