1. You might want to lead with the name, which is might already clear out if it's a man or a woman. it might save you a few words.
Then you want to add a reference, maybe the novel or world that your favorite character is from, the ethnicity or race, geographic location or where the character lives now.
Then you might add what is the character's occupation. Maybe add the character's passion as well. Try to be concise.
In the end, you might want to list what you find interesting about the character. Achievements, hobbies and so on.
Here is a quick example:
<em>Legolas is an elven prince of the Wood Elves of northern Milkwood. He in first appears in The Lord of the Rings books and pairs with the Fellowship of the Ring to save the Middle Earth from a dark lord. He is also a great warrior, an amazing archer and a very good friend. Eventually, becomes the best friend of a dwarf named Gimli, even thought dwarves and elves hate each other.</em>
"The gold key is a pretty horrific symbol of the lengths the government will go to in order to brainwash children into enlisting in the military. They tell them that this key will get them into heaven if they die at war. This harkens back to ancient religious wars, like the Crusades, where dying a martyr was the best possible thing a boy could do. Although, in reality, all it means is that they died as pawns of the government.
This key is an especially repulsive symbol because it holds absolutely no intrinsic value—it's "a plastic key painted gold" (13.34). The Iranian military couldn't even give kids something of value to lure them into war, something they might be able to melt down for money. Of course, what value does money have to a martyr? You can't spend it when you're in the theoretical halls of heaven, with more virgins for the taking than you know what to do with."