Fundamental rights are rights that everyone in the U.S has. There are 7 fundamental rights. The right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to property and right to constitutional remedies.
School and community have a major impact in enhancing the active citizenship of the person.
School is a domicile to progress dynamic citizenship in students. Active citizenship is the amalgamation of information, assertiveness, skills and action that aims to build a democratic society.
Unseen curriculum which teaches values that is not formally prescribed in the educational curriculum in schools can play a major role in inducing active citizenship in the minds of the people.
Making the minority also study in the same school to ensure solidarity which develops active citizenship. Educational programs must be tailored in such a manner that it imparts the feeling of empathy and tolerance in the minds of the students.
Ruby's attribution illustrates a pessimistic explanatory style.
This explanatory style is where a person tends to blame herself or himself for negative events and believes that such events will probably continue indefinitely. The pessimistic explanatory style is the opposite of optimistic explanatory style. Pessimistic explanatory style is an internal stress to the body and has a negative effect to physical and psychological health.
I think that the answer is c
restriction of range
In an examination of the relationship between SAT scores and college performance, your text authors note that one of the factors that may contribute to the appearance of a low correlation is <u>restriction of range</u>. Restriction of range occurs when observed sample data are not available across the entire range of interest. The impart of this on correlation is that when data have restricted range of score, it causes a reduction in correlation coefficient.