I believe it is diminishes.
Diminishes means to make smaller, to become smaller, or to lessen the authority or dignity of; to put down; to degrade; to abase; to weaken; to nerf (in gaming).
It may be softens, though, so apologies if I am incorrect.
The clan's reaction reveals that they believe that individual sacrifices must be made for the good of society and to guarantee strength and honor to individuals.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- The oracle states that Ikemefuna must be killed on account of Umuofiana's death.
- This must be done to create harmony in nature and ensure that locusts do not invade the region.
- Everyone sees this as an obligation that must be done for the good of all and that there is no justification for this murder not to happen.
- The oracle states that Ikemefuna's father, Okonkwo, is the one who must kill him, as this is the sacrifice he must make for the good of all.
Okonkwo feels terribly sad, but this is the role the entire clan is waiting to be played. Furthermore, failure to carry out the oracle's orders would cause Okonkwo to be seen as weak and selfish.
This question is about the book "Things Fall Apart."
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This question refers to the story Rules of The Game by Amy Tan.
Winston and Vincent stop playing chess with Waverly because she has beaten them countless times.
Vincent and Winston are both Waverly's brothers. In fact, they are the ones who teach her to play chess. But there comes a time when "the student surpasses the teacher" and Waverly begins to win all the games against her brothers.
This results in her brothers getting bored of playing with her, since they cannot beat her and decide to change the game.
The plot is always the overriding idea in fiction.