Answer: Though he had always hated slavery, President Lincoln did not believe the Constitution gave him the authority to bring it to an end
it's a because I did the the test
Could u send the directions maybe I’m confused what the question wants
to preside and maintain order over the convention
When world war two ended, korea was automatically divided along the 38th parallel-which was essentially a border between north and south korea.
north korea was taken over by the soviet union (now russia), while the south was being protected and helped by the americans. the korean people’s army (established in north korea in the year 1948), was a group of korean communist guerrillas, who had served with the chinese people’s liberation army but were fueled by soviet personnel.
the korean people’s army invaded south korea, trapping not only korean, but also american troops. the united nations immediately encouraged further support for the south.
many countries then entered the war, including the united states, canada, south africa, etc.
eventually, an armistice was signed stating that north and south korea would be their own individual counties.