What does sosso stand for?
The older male astronaut welcomes the female trainees.
As written "The older male astronaut welcome the female trainees" the word welcome is being used as a verb and is impropley conjugated.
I - welcome
You- welcome
He/She/It- welcomes
We- welcome
They- welcome
The Soviet Union complied to withdraw their missiles to eliminate the threat of them attacking the United States. The American Forces have established a blockade not letting anyone by unless the Soviets remove their rockets. In the end both sides made out a compromise and the world breathed out a sigh of relief.
He participated in the political process
В 410 году вестготами был взят Рим, а 4 сентября 476 года вождь германцев Одоакр свергнул последнего императора Западной Римской империи Ромула Августа. Таким образом завершилось многовековое владычество Рима.