Two Houston surgeons, Michael E. DeBakey and Denton Cooley, have been in the forefront in developing heart surgery and heart transplantation. DeBakey and his team performed the first successful coronary artery bypass graft procedure on November 23, 1964.
Because if they don't have wealth they won't be able to buy their supplies and hire crewmen. They wouldn't be able to get ships and boats.
The touch down score is 100 and other factors that play the opposite side role
B.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther. Werther is a young romantic with a passionate temperament. That Goethe wrote him as the main character is curious when you consider that later Goethe tried to distance himself from the Romantic movement (he thought that the movement's support of wearing your emotions on your sleeve was inferior to contained passion).