The correct answer is D. The onset of the Great Depression came as a considerable shock to the conventional wisdom of economics at that time and opened the door for critiques of mainstream thought by economists like John Maynard Keynes.
The Great Depression was a recession that followed the Stock Market Crash on October 29, 1929. From the United States, it spread rapidly to Europe and other parts of the world, with devastating effects. International trade fell sharply, as did personal income, tax revenue, prices and profits. This affected cities all over the world, not least those who relied on heavy industry. Construction stopped in several countries, farms and other agricultural areas as the price of their harvests fell by between 40 and 60 percent, and the demand for miners and forestry workers fell sharply while there were few other employment options. The Great Depression ended at different times in different countries; the majority of countries affected set up different aid programs to cope with the crisis.
The Great Depression was not a sudden collapse; the decline came progressively for a period of three years and reached its absolute bottom in March 1933. In early 1930, the credit was large and was available for low prices, but was exploited by few because many households could not take on more debt. Car sales fell below the level of 1928 at the end of May 1930. Wages remained at a stable level until they began to decline in 1931. Circumstances were worst in agricultural areas, where prices of commodities fell, and in the mining and forest industry, where unemployment was high and there were get job opportunities. The downturn in the US industry began the downturn in most other countries; however, internal weaknesses or strengths in the various countries determined how severely affected they were by the crisis.
Answer: The Second Crusade was the second major crusade launched from Europe, called in 1145 in response to the fall of the County of Edessa the previous year. Edessa was the first of the Crusader states to have been founded during the First Crusade (1095–1099), and was the first to fall. The Second Crusade was announced by Pope Eugene III, and was the first of the crusades to be led by European kings, namely Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany, with help from a number of other important European nobles. The armies of the two kings marched separately across Europe and were somewhat hindered by Byzantine emperor Manuel I Comnenus; after crossing Byzantine territory into Anatolia, both armies were separately defeated by the Seljuk Turks. Louis and Conrad and the remnants of their armies reached Jerusalem and, in 1148, participated in an ill-advised attack on Damascus. The crusade in the east was a failure for the crusaders and a great victory for the Muslims. It would ultimately lead to the fall of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade at the end of the 12th century.
The only success came outside of the Mediterranean, where Flemish, Frisian, Norman, English, Scottish, and some German crusaders, on the way by ship to the Holy Land, fortuitously stopped and helped capture Lisbon in 1147. Meanwhile, in Eastern Europe, the first of the Northern Crusades began with the intent of forcibly converting pagan tribes to Christianity, and these crusades would go on for centuries.
<span>D. World leaders signed an agreement to never go to war again.</span>
1. The correct answer is C. Norman Borlaug is the father of the Green Revolution and is responsible for developing a strain of wheat that improved crop yields.
2. Most countries in Africa achieved independent through some sort of organized military resistance.