Psychometric scores for anxiety, depression, negative self, somatization, and hostility were combined into a single Global Sever
ity Index (GSI). Global Severity Index was compared for 80 adolescents who were seen in the outpatient clinic for 7 different physical complaints (short stature, obesity, lack of weight gain, breast problems, genital problems, menstrual problems, and hirsutism). Report the degrees of freedom for the relevant F statistic in the numerator and the denominator. (Round your answers to the nearest whole number.)
In F static test or table there are two sets of degrees of freedom: one for the numerator and one for the denominator. The degrees of freedom are equal to the number of observations minus one. Thus, if the sample size were 7 then the degree of freedom would be 7 minus 1
Numerator df = 7 - 1 = 6
Thus, the numerato would be - 6.
Denominator is calculated by subtracting the observation or variables from the total number of sample size.