What details or data appear in the text
The action that completenes the graphic organizer is the following: Polyneices rebels against Thebes. Option A is correct.
In Greek mythology, Polynices was the son of Oedipus and Jocasta and the younger brother of Eteocles. When his father, Oedipus, was discovered to have killed his father and married his mother, he was expelled from Thebes, leaving his sons Eteocles and Polynices to rule. As a result of a curse put on them by their father Oedipus, the two sons did not share the rule peacefully and died as a result, killing each other in battle for control over Thebes.
1) Verb: Broke
3) Verb: Left
5) Verb: Apologize
7) Verb: Won
9) Verb: Hit
1) What did she do?
3) What did he do?
5) What did we do?
7) What did Blessing Okagbare do?
9) What did the striker do?
A river is being personified. it can't actually sleep.