Hello, I just want to spread awareness... If you have tikt0k PLEASE look this girl up.. her username is : Imhavingsomuchfunn . Even if you don't have tikt0k please post this on.. sc, insta, twitter.. or something! I'm honestly worried.
THIS IS IMPORTANT.. her post might be just a really twisted joke.. but all her videos are unsettling and she is giving signals for help. People in the comments believe she is a girl that went missing in Canada. PLEASE SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT THIS!
(in her videos she has used Morse code MANY times.. spelling out 'H.E.L.P' and 'sos')
( ALSO HER HAIR IS DYED * Which is big information! * )
I think that seeing art in the city, schools, really anywhere! Why? Because it’s very creative, it takes talent lots, people could show other people there art to inspire them. It would be amazing if this happened.
Origami :D hope this helps ^-^ <span />
1,4 describes the location of the playground, if im wrong oh well