ranks the second to last <span>in the nation in voter participation.
<span>As of March, 2016 More
than 4.2 million (the most in state history) Texans voted in the presidential
race. Among the 12 states that had already have held primaries, Texas
positioned second to toward the end in voter turnout of inhabitants 18 and
older, at 21.5 %.</span>
In what became known as the “Cornerstone Speech,” Stephens argued that the new Confederate government was based upon “the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man.
<em>De acuerdo con el general (r) Juan Salcedo Lora, los antecedentes del Estatuto de Seguridad están asociados a varios hechos violentos motivados, presuntamente, por los movimientos guerrilleros que desembocaron en el paro cívico del 14 de septiembre de 1977, convocado por las centrales obreras que se agruparon en el ...</em>
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<em>Que tengas un bonito dia </em></h2>
A stereotype is a "widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing."