Answer:Nelson Mandela was successful in his activism in South Africa
Explanation-Nelson Mandela is looked a a godly figure for helping end apartheid in South Africa using nonviolent acts.But many people don’t know that Nelson Mandela has a dark side,same as Martin Luther king and ghandi.Nelson Mandela was for decades a man of violence.he broke with African National Congress colleagues who preached non-violence,creating a enemy wing.he also committed acts of public violence,and behind bars sanctioned more,including the 1983 Church St car bomb that ended 19 people lives.Mandela even suggested cutting off the noses of blacks deemed collaborators.His then wife Winnie advocated "necklacing"(a burning tyre around the neck.)Ghandi was a pedofile and a child hurter,he was seen godlike so he got away with this.he used to lay under his kids NAKED.Martin Luther King,King had copied paragraphs wholesale from other sources without attributing them in his dissertation(plagiarism),on the tapes wasn’t communist plotting,however,but intense, nearly constant activities with countless women he met on his travels.King eventually struck the unnamed woman hard enough to knock her across the bed, and that she left soon after.These “godlike” people aren’t godlike even if they did so much for people.They still got away with so much just because they have power.I’m not saying they are good,but I’m not saying they are bad.In my opinion,power like people like Nelson,always have a dark side,you just have to do your research right because they don’t teach you stuff like this in school.
(1) pose a question (2) conduct background research (3) formulate a hypothesis (4) test the hypothesis (5) analyze the data and draw a conclusion (6) communicate the results
Hope this helps, and please mark me brainliest if it does!
1. Petition
2. Currency
3. Redress
4. Persecuted
5. Abridge
A major consequence of invisible trade is that eventually the amount of invisibilities will exceed the payments for them. This means that the goods and services provided will be given, but payment for them is often neglected. This leads to a devastating deficit in funds. So the person or business supplying the goods can be in ruin, along with the person or business owing the money. This could threaten the economic strength of Texas.
Propaganda during the Reformation, helped by the spread of the printing press throughout Europe and in particular within Germany, caused new ideas, thoughts, and doctrine to be made available to the public in ways that had never been seen before the sixteenth century.