On one side stood the Poussinists (Fr. Poussinistes) who were a group of French artists, named after the painter Nicolas Poussin, who believed that drawing was the most important thing. On the other side were the Rubenists (Fr. Rubénistes), named after Peter Paul Rubens, who prioritized color.
Giotto was one of the pioneers of using the naturalistic approach to painting. Giotto di Bondone, which is his full name, was one of the first Renaissance artists to emerge right after the Late Middle Ages. He started his stardom in Florence which he inspired other artists like the famous Michaelangelo.
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a.Considered the most significant surviving building of ancient Greece, the Parthenon is said to be the pinnacle of the Doric order. Its sculptures and artwork belong to the high end of Greek art.
b.The Parthenon was the center of religious life in the powerful Greek City-State of Athens, the head of the Delian League. Built in the 5 century B.C., it was a symbol of the power, wealth and elevated culture of Athens. It was the largest and most lavish temple the Greek mainland had ever seen.
hope it helps