I would advise you first write down a basic definition of what you think freedom means. Then look up the word freedom in the dictionary– Did the dictionary definition
match your own definition of freedom? Think about events/books/movies/people who have shaped your own idea of the meaning. Draw from personal experiences, or experiences of others to help you out. What does freedom mean to you? What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the word freedom? (These are rhetorical questions). Hope this helped you out a bit... do some brainstorming!!
The attitude of the poem speaker
The work tone in this sentence means the attitude of the poem speaker.
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It depends on how you interpret it. While reading it, I interpret it as he means to say that love is as innocent as a person can make it. When he states she walks in beauty, he is most likely referring to the idea that she is beautiful and has a innocent lifestyle. My apologies if this is not the answer you are looking for.