Haces (if present terms I believe)
Study hard and have a healthy life.
Visito El Salvador en agosto. El clima allí es muy cálido en verano y es
ideal para jugar con tus amigos en el agua o sentarse en la sombra.
Traigo mucha ropa de verano que me mantienen fresco. Por ejemplo,
camisetas, shorts, etcetera. Este es todo el material que necesito para
mi viaje al Salvador.
(I'm from El Salvador that's why I chose it :D)
The first one is fever in English
The second one is flu
The third one is operation( it was blurry so i couldn't see)
The fourth one is tablet
The fifth one is bone scan
The sixth one is recipe
The seventh one is cold
The 8th one i couldnt read sorry
the 9th one is cough
.... if you type of what the 8th one says i can tell you
Honestly just put that shi into google search lol