Miller's story <em>The Crucible </em>is about Salem witch hunts, but only on the surface. In the story, we can see Puritans hunting innocent people and burning them at stakes just because there was a slight possibility in their minds that they might be witches.
However, metaphorically, the entire story is a criticism of McCarthyism. McCarthy was so paranoid about communists that he organized "witch hunts" in order to find them in America and eradicate them from the country.
I would choose the 2nd and the 3rd option.
Yes, we do need to limit ourselves with social media... It is like, controlling us bc we gave into it and we cant help ourselves anymore. It affects kids by making them do bad things and a lot of it is not that appropriate. Especially for little kids.
Breath, heartbeat, and sunrise/sunset.
We constantly breathe and our heart beats as a rhythm of life.
The sunrises in the am and sets in the pm everyday to indicate morning and evening.
The fact that Virginia Woolf was born in England in 1882--a time when women were not as free to pursue a career, to be independent, or even to have their own privacy at times--was one of the reasons why she wrote A Room of One's Own. It discusses feminist ideas and criticizes the traditional hierarchies and the male-dominant society in which she lived in. Her essay was a result of feeling oppressed by that society.