I'm not sure, maybe try googling this, it seems like a better fit.
Painting,Drawing,Sculpting,Photography and Video
Im going to assume you mean in music. It can be used to blend all of the different parts so that they are all equal, or the balance may mean that one part, such as the melody stands out more than any other part. Another way may be to balance out the volume correctly to get optimal reactions.
Employs geometric shapes in depictions of human and other forms.
The appropriate response is "
classical manuscripts".
- A manuscript would be any memorandum handwritten or, as soon as technical or logical typewriters could become readily accessible.
- Presently, to come back to that same classical architecture of those manuscripts, it makes it seemed to have been a good amount of time until another form of the graphic novel or old testament must have been strengthened from either the wood as well as precious stones tablet devices to something like the journal writings.
Therefore this response is the appropriate one.