Answer: Luther had the added advantage of a new technology, in printing: moveable type. This meant that copies could be printed cheaply and much easier. Luther's 94 Thesis were printed and distributed throughout Germany. Pope Leo did not have this technical advantage.
In a capitalist society the prices of goods, services and labour are determined by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to buy a certain product its price will go up. Products that are mass produced usually have low prices. Another important feature of capitalism is competition.
The tax was to help with the cost of maintaining the colonies
According to what I read above
Wood engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) taken from 'London: a Pilgrimage', published by Grant & Co in 1872. Behind the group of exhausted-looking workers in the foreground, others can be seen stoking the fires beneath the gas retorts, sealed vessels where, at high temperatures, the coal was broken down into tar, coke and gas. From the 19th century, manufactured gas was made by the distillation of coal, predominantly for use in lighting. In 1869, the writer Blanchard Jerrold suggested a collaboration with Dore on a comprehensive portrait of London. Entitled 'London: a Pilgrimage', the book contained 180 engravings and although a commercial success, there were criticisms that Dore had concentrated on the poverty of the city.