Answer: Quality drawing pencils, a sketchbook, quality drawing surfaces, variety of erasers, a good pencil sharpener, charcoal or contè, drawing pens/ ink, blending stumps/ tortillions.
I personally think pop music appeals to younger individuals because well pop bands are usually trying to appeal to kids and pop bands have clean, appropriate, language used in their songs so its all ages. I think the industry promoted this idea by thinking of kids because today in the music industry, its all about trap, hip hop, and R&B and those genres are not kid friendly so maybe the industry thought of kids for a change or maybe did service by making music for kids or maybe are doing it for the glory and fame.
Well i would say start off by listening to pop music and reading the lyrics on it and the rhythms of the beats on sound then just paint what you feel all of the words beats and sound you think it all looks like
Everyone is attractive in there own way...
But some people are not attracted to the type of attractedness you have