If you know Percy Jackson, then you can read Percy Jackson, heroes of Olympus
In medias res means to start a writing with events that happened in the middle of the story, then continuing the story from the beginning.
Answer: b. Demeaning
Demeaning someone means to speak to someone in a very disrespectful manner by insulting them with the aim being to degrade them and make them feel less dignified. It can also be done through actions.
Arachne here called the person a silly fool who is worn out and witless (stu-pid) which served to insult the person and therefore demean them. The tone is therefore demeaning.
The power in nature that one perceives is due both to nature and to one’s own intelligence.
In the last paragraph but one, the author says, "The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable." And the final paragraph starts with this statement, "Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or <u>in a harmony of both</u>."