I believe the answer is plasma membrane.
Decellularization is the process used in biomedical engineering to isolate the extracellular matrix (ECM) of a tissue from its inhabiting cells, leaving an ECM scaffold of the original tissue, which can be used in artificial organ and tissue regeneration. Organ and tissue transplantation treat a variety of medical problems, ranging from end organ failure to cosmetic surgery. One of the greatest limitations to organ transplantation derives from organ rejection caused by antibodies of the transplant recipient reacting to donor antigens on cell surfaces within the donor organ. Because of unfavorable immune responses, transplant patients suffer a lifetime taking immunosuppressing medication.
Mitochondria since it’s the power house of the cell where the energy for this one is produced
Exo means outside
So planets outside our solar system
1. More nutritious
2. More efficient growing
for example, they can be resistant to droughts or rough winds or pesticides.