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I dont live in America
Option 'B' = changes in climate, had the greatest impact on pre-historic man.
Changes on the weather forced men to move periodically or cyclically, usually returning to their original location at various times. When they moved to colder climates, they would make clothing out of animal skins, to protect themselves. When the nomads learned how to plant, they didn't need to search for other places anymore.
If Stonewall Jackson were leading the Second Corps at Gettysburg, there would have been an attack at Cemetery Hill (the Union right) on the third day.
<span>As a result, the Union cavalry would have rushed to support the Union position there. Instead, they were able to intercept J.E.B. Stuart and his Confederate cavalry as they attempted to get in the Union rear. </span>
<span>The Confederate cavalry would have been able to capture the Union artillery and turn the Union's own cannons against them. </span>
<span>Pickett's charge would be known as the most effective fixing movement of the war. </span>With the Union Army of the Potomac destroyed, Abraham Lincoln would have been forced to sue for peace.
<span>As the second president of the Confederacy, Robert E. Lee would have signed legislation freeing the slaves.</span>