Mon avis est que l’apport en graisses saturées, ayant un apport faible en glucides, contribue à l’équilibre hormonal positif.Permettant augmente la libido, gain musculaire, perte de graisse et amélioré les marqueurs de santé.Tandis que les graisses saturées n’est pas aussi dangereux que les grands médias et de certaines autres personnes réclamerait, certainement, cela ne signifie pas que vous devez utiliser cela comme une licence à manger plus qu’une quantité modérée de protéines animales ou des protéines en général.Bien que manger trop gras saturés pourrait être mauvais pour certaines personnes les éléments de preuve pour qu’il soit mauvais tout le temps et pour tout le monde n’est pas très bien levant
antivirus i think that would fit best in the blank
Fill the white spaces with the correct form of verbs between parentheses to the COMPOUND PAST, the IMPARFAIT or the PLUSQUEPARFAIT depending on the context:
This / C' (1.) - (being) on a sunday afternoon in summer, by a lake. The sun (2.) - (shine), there is (3.) - (have) no cloud in the sky. There are (4.) - (have) a lot of people around the lake.... a few people (5.) - (do) picnics, children (6.) - (play) the ball, by then a young girl (7.) - (read) in the shade of trees and men (8.) - (sleep) with a handkerchief on her face. A little boy (9.) - (walking) his dog. He (10.) - (having fun) to throw a piece of wood into the water. The dog (11.) - (bring back) the piece of wood each time and the boy (12.) - (raise) in the water.
At some point, the dog (13.) - (not to come back). He (14.) - (being) in the middle of the lake, he (15.) - (seem) in trouble. The little boy (16.) - (call) with all his strength, but the dog (17.) - (not to move). One (18.) - (power) see that the dog (19.) - (have) difficulty swimming, that he (20.) (being) exhausted and that he (21.) - (drown), but one (22.) - (not understand) why. Everyone (23.) - (get on) watching the scene. A young girl (24.) - (get) her mobile phone out of her bag to call the first responders and she (25.) - (approach) the boy to try to console him. The children (26.) - (stop) to play and they (27.) - (go) to the edge of the lake to see more closely.
Suddenly, a cyclist (28.) - (arrival). He (29.) - (see) what (30.) - (to happen) and immediately he (31.) - (understand) the situation. He (32.) - (laying) his bike on the ground, he (33.) - (remove) his watch, his shoes, his shirt and his socks and he (34.) - (dive) in the water of the lake. The cyclist (35.) - (being) in good physical shape, he (36.) - (have) a very muscular body and he (37.) - (know) swim very well ... and in a very short time it (38.) - (approach) the dog. It (39.) - (observe) that the dog (40.) - (being) taken by the branch of a tree that (41.) - (float) on the water. With his big muscles, the cyclist (42.) - (break) the branch. The dog and the cyclist (43.) - (back) on the edge of the lake. The dog (44.) - (go) bring the broken branch to his master, the little boy.
At this time, one (45.) - (understand) while the dog (46.) - (to be wrong) and that he (47.) - (confounding) the stick of the boy with a branch in the water that (48.) - (belong) to a large tree. He (49.) - (get) killed almost, by a sense of duty! But, all was well that (50.) - (finish) well!
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Qui est-ce?
Où habites-tu?
Où est ton stylo?
Combien de gommes y a -t-il dans ta trousse?
Quel âge a -t-elle?
Tu es venu<u>e</u> en bus Valérie ?(féminin,singulier) <span>subject :Valérie</span>
Bruno est entr<u>é</u> dans la maison.(masculin, singulier) subject : Bruno
Ou es-tu descendu<u>e</u> de l'autobus Julie ?(féminin, singulier) <span>subject : Julie</span>
Simon et Michel sont all<u>és</u> en boîte.(masculin, pluriel) <span>subject : Simon et Michel</span>
Elles sont rentr<u>ées</u> en taxi.(féminin, pluriel) <span>subject : Elles</span>
La fille est mont<u>ée</u> dans le train.(féminin, singulier) <span>subject : La fille</span>