I think it's the last one
since a while new whole shows a new place with new beauty
Non je suis libre.
Tu veux aller au stade avec moi
Avec plaisir
Le tournoi
Elle a de meilleur chance
Luc a 5 frère
So the verb avoir (to have)
J’ai (l have)
Tu as (you have)
Il/elle/on a (he/she/it has)
Nous avons (we have)
Vous avez (you have )
Ils ont (they have)
If you need more information text me
Izé is a biology stydent. She wants... (devenir médecin, I think (=became a doctor))
She also wants ...
She seems...
She is ... yo.
She’s studying in the USA bcs .. (elle veut s’améliorer en anglais=improve her English)
She’s a young lady...
She speaks... (le français=french)
She prefer.... but she doesn’t like...