The programs you need for you are not even done yet
it is because other remaining are not able to access network
- def ending_time(hour, minutes, seconds, work_time):
- if((seconds + work_time) // 60 > 0):
- minutes = minutes + (seconds + work_time) // 60
- seconds = (seconds + work_time) % 60
- if(minutes // 60 > 0):
- hour = hour + (minutes // 60)
- minutes = minutes % 60
- else:
- seconds = seconds + work_time
- return str(hour) + ":" + str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds)
- print(ending_time(2,30,59, 12000))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly create a function ending_time that takes the four required input parameters.
Next, create an if statement to check if the numerator of (seconds + work_times) divided by 60 is over zero. If so, increment the minute and reassign the remainder of the seconds to the variable (Line 2-4).
Next, create another if statement again to check if the numerator of (current minutes) divided by 60 is over zero, if so increment the hour and reassign the remainder of the minutes to the variable (Line 6-8)
Otherwise, just simply add the work_time to the current seconds
At last return the time output string (Line 12).
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What are some of the challenges that could arise from setting up a file management system on a computer