The 10% plan called for a loyalty oath to be taken by 10% of the southern state's population. This was an oath to the Union.
The united states Supported the south Korean leader Syngman Rhee
According to the article of confederation government there were more weakness than strength. Below are the some major weakness
Under the Confederation Articles, some of the WEAKNESS are
1)The federal government was squeezed by the absence of authority provided to the Continental Congress.
2)The Articles gave the authority to pass legislation to Congress, but no authority to implement those rules.
3)If a state did not promote a federal law, it could be ignored by that state.
4)Congress was incapable of levying taxes or regulating trade without a federal government
The process in india whereby an entire caste can leapfrog over another and obtain a higher position in the hierarchy is called sanskritization. S<span>anskritisation (Indian English) or </span>Sanskritization<span> (American English, Oxford spelling) is a particular form of social change found in India. It denotes the process by which castes placed lower in the caste hierarchy seek upward mobility by emulating the rituals and practices of the upper or dominant castes.</span>
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis were willing to organize Civil Rights demonstrations despite the high risk of violence to themselves because they know that, the are the only one who can be able to unite the black community in US while pressing for the change the needed.
They are willing to be at the forefront of the protest inorder to encourage others of the need to join the growing community of blacks who are demanding the end to the segregations and other socila injustices in the US.