George Washington was considered to be the country's first federalist President. He was supportive of a sole government that centralized power and decided over the matters that concerned all of the states.
Within the first months of his presidency, Congress created executive departments like the Department of Treasury, State, War, and the Postmaster General. Washington proceeded to appoint Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, among other figures.
The Federal government proved to be not as strong as it should. This was proven with the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794. In order to raise money to pay the national debt, Congress imposed a tax on distilled spirits, which farmers considered to be unfair. Threats were placed against tax collectors. As a response to this, the government summoned the federal army. However, it was too small and had to retreat against the state militias.
Well there are several reasons to why the Allies won and the Axis lost. One of the most obvious resons, is the invovations such as radar, the atomic bomb, Incidenaries, etc. Of cousre the The axis had their own inovations, such as the V rockets, the jet propsioned engine. However, these Axis advancements wouldn't change the course of the war do to the fact that the Axis had basic the entire world against them. And very few countries can support themselves let alone a secusful war effort. The Axis had only the resaech and resources it could gather within its borders.
Another factor was simply the East. If the Germans were not so greedy with its intital sweep into the Soveit Union it may have completely crushed all resistance in all of Europe and could of conquered a great majority over Africa. However, if you looked from the Soveit veiw of the war, all of their neiboring countries would have fallen. Having be completly surrounded by the Nazis and Japanese, the over one Million soldiers of the Red Army would have been easily been token over by the two joining forces.
Also a great factor was distance. Imagine how hard it was for Axis allies to keep in touch such as Nazi Germany and Japan? The War could have been much differnt if the Axis was completely joined such as if they were linked together as one nation instead of being seperated by several countries.
Some obstacles which prevents third party candidates from winning elections;
Not a well known name, not enough money for campaigning, minority of voters go outside democrats or republicans. However, most of all is the ability to withstand your opponents and go the distance.
By 1860 the population had increased to 3,952,760 56 % of which were under the age 0f 20 This Statistic gives an indication of the large numbers of slaves
-Tensions between the communist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States date back to the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 and continued through the interwar period
- president Truman adopting an explicit attitude of anti-soviet policy with this Truman plan