It deppends on the type of warrior but I will try to explain using the Samurai. I think with them the value of the moral is of high importance and determined their lives:
The samurai considered death as something they had to be always prepared for and thus, whenever it was needed, they would sacrifice their life "for a greater good" they knew it was something it might happen anyway. The idea of trascendence is something we have to be also aware of; They thought that what you do in this life will affect how you start the next one (reincarnation).
Let's also talk about a "negative" way of sacrifice; The seppuku, where they took their own life by cutting their stomach with a sword when they considered they didn't follow properly one of the eight most important values as we can see in any of the samurai codes or books like Hagakure or the Bushido code. these eight codes are: Justice, courage, mercy, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty and self-control.
Not only life they would sacrifice but also money, food, social life because these things might be a distraction or a cause of desire whic leads to suffering.
Women were expected to cook clean and do house chores. They ere often seen as less important and didn't have a say in much that went on. After the industrial revolution, more women began to work in factories and proved they could work just as well as men. This push was especially popular during WWII when many men were gone fighting.
It´s because of the ways it will affect our lungs in the future
I think fascinate and hypnotize
1. Jan, Dot, Steve, and Corey are coming to the party.
2. I have called the guests, bought the neighbors, and warned the neighbors
3. I think this will be a loud, enjoyable, and exciting party.
4. Can you bring plates, napkins, and cups?
5. Sarah walked, ran, and even rode a bike to get here.